3 books which can help you develop your personality during this lockdown period!

Are you an avid reader?
If yes, then I am sure in this quarantine period you are making most of your book reading habit. 

Well, I also have been reading lots of books recently. Mostly books on personality development and along with that biographies and autobiographies of some famous and successful people.
Many people ask me why do I prefer reading mostly all these non-fiction books and not novels and fiction books. Well, to be honest, I also read novels too, but less. Reading any kind of book always adds values and is a good form of recreation too.

I prefer books related to personal development because it helps me grow. It creates a different mindset. Different books contain articles that will touch different areas of life and add values in that area. And reading biographies/autobiographies of successful people helps us to relate to situations in our life. We all have heard the saying "Learn from your mistakes", but what I feel is we can learn from the mistakes many of these successful people did and how did they overcome it.

Recently I have completed the following three books. I found all these books of great value. I will briefly share details about each of them:


    This book is written by David Schwartz is the best out there which helps us to understand our true potential. The author is a Ph.D. from Georgia State University and is a renowned life strategist. Once you have read the book you will be filled with positivity. There are many chapters in this book, each chapter touches upon a point where negativity can bring us down and how positive thinking can help us to come out of it. There are case studies and real-life examples by which the author helps us to defeat disbelief and the negative power it creates. It helps in effective decision making and will help build leadership qualities too. One must give this book a read if he/she wants to capitalize on the power of positivity. 



    Think and Grow Rich, written by Napolean Hill is probably the most famous success book of all time. Napoleon Hill was an American self-help author who wrote about essentials to improve one's life. The inferred conclusion from the book is riches begin with a state of mind. If we want to get rich, we must first change our minds so that we become, as Napoleon Hill calls it, money-conscious. Quoting a line from the book
    Success comes to those who become success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.
    This line is self-explanatory and itself speaks so much. The book deals with various aspects like having a burning desire to achieve a goal, having faith in yourself, and how to achieve the goal by organized planning. Give it a read if you have a goal set and working to achieve it, this book can surely help.


    Hit Refresh is an auto-biography by Microsoft's current CEO Satya Nadella. In this book, he shares his life's journey from Hyderabad to Redmond to join Microsoft and become its third CEO. This book is quite different from the previous two books. It states how Mr. Satya Nadella dealt with certain situations in his life while leading such a tech giant like Microsoft. Apart from these, the book throws light on how technologies like quantum computing, mixed reality, and artificial intelligence and shape our future. Also, in the book Mr. Nadella about trust values in the digital age like what norms and policies should be there regarding data security and privacy. If anyone wants a view on how technological impact will be in the near future along with that want to gain some leadership values then this book will be a good choice.
If you have read any one of these books, do mention your thoughts and understandings in the comments, and also if you have any suggestions for some good read mention that as well. Stay safe and happy reading!

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  1. I have read Magic of THinking Big , Think and Grow Rich but not the other one. Very practical, extremely powerful books and we can implement these principles immediately. In our book reading club we discuss about these 2 books. Other than these, i can suggest you "WHat to Say When you Talk To yourself" "How to WIn friends and influence people", "15 Laws of invaluable growth", "Who will cry when you die" and there is a list.

    Let me know if you want to be a part of my book reading club for free which we do online

    1. Thank you for the suggestions. I have read "How to Win friends and influence people" recently. It has such good and practical content. Also, Thank you for inviting to your book club. Actually we also have a book club of our own, so time is a constraint for me. You can share the details of your book club via mail, will surely be a part of it if timings don't clash. :)
